There’s no question that getting your home organised and decluttered can make for a more peaceful and productive life. But sometimes it seems like such an insurmountable task, doesn’t it?
When it comes to decluttering, some people seem to have a natural gift. For the rest of us, it can be a little more challenging to get into the right mindset.
But it’s not impossible!
This article looks at nine ways I’ve personally developed and mastered a decluttering mindset to make my home a more peaceful place with less clutter and more organisation.
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What is a decluttering mindset
It’s the key to a simplified home, but what exactly is a decluttering mindset?
Simply put, it’s the ability to let go of things that you no longer need or use.
For some people, this comes naturally. They’re able to look at their cluttered homes and immediately see what can be donated, sold, or thrown away.
But for others, letting go of things can be much harder.
We hold on to things because we think we might need them someday, or because they have sentimental value. However, holding on to too much stuff can eventually lead to feelings of overwhelm and anxiety.
Read also: How you can declutter sentimental items without the overwhelming guilt
If you’re striving to live a more intentional life and clear your space, the first step is to develop a decluttering mindset. Once you’re able to let go of the stuff that’s cluttering up your home, you’ll feel lighter, freer, and more relaxed.
9 Ways to develop a decluttering mindset
1. Remove thoughts of deprivation
One of the reasons we hold on to things is because we think we might need them someday. But what if, instead of looking at decluttering as deprivation, you looked at it as an opportunity?
The scarcity mindset is the idea that there’s not enough of something to go around. So, if you have the chance to get your hands on something, you should grab it because you might not have another chance.
It’s often the result of living in a world of abundance. We’re so used to having everything we could ever want or need that we have a fear of living life without it
However, this isn’t an accurate representation of the world. In reality, there’s more than enough to go around. And when you start to see decluttering as an opportunity instead of a depriving act, it becomes much easier to let go of things.
2. Learn to say no
Have you ever been handed a goodie bag with random things inside and told ‘it’s free’?
We’ve all been there. We take the bag, even though we don’t really need or want any of the contents. There’ll be yet another coffee mug, a pen, some coupons… you know the ones.
The same thing happens when friends or family members offer to give us their old stuff. We feel obligated to say yes, even if we don’t really want or need it.
If you want to develop a decluttering mindset, it’s important to learn to say no. When someone offers you something that you don’t need or want, politely decline.
It might be difficult at first, but the more you do it, the easier it will become. And eventually, you’ll find that people stop offering you their unwanted stuff because they know you won’t want to take it.
3. Change your perspective
The way you see decluttering can have a big impact on your willingness to do it.
If you see it as a necessary evil, something that’s just going to take up a lot of time and energy, then it’s not going to be an enjoyable experience.
However, if you change your perspective and see it as an opportunity to simplify your life, it can be a much more positive experience.
Think about all the benefits of decluttering: less stress, more peace of mind, and a simpler life. When you start to see the positives, it’s easier to let go of the negatives.
4. Let go of the past
Many of us hold on to things because we’re afraid to let go of the past. We might have clothes that we wore in high school, or keepsakes from our childhood.
While it’s totally normal to want to hold on to these things, it’s important to remember that they’re just material possessions. They don’t define who you are as a person.
If you’re struggling to let go of the past, try thinking about the future. What do you want your life to look like in 5 years, 10 years, or even 20 years?
Do you want to be bogged down by a bunch of stuff, or do you want to be able to travel light and enjoy life?
Remember, your past doesn’t define your future. You can let go of the past and create the future you want for yourself.
5. More doesn’t mean better
In today’s society, there’s a lot of pressure to keep up with the Joneses. We see our friends and neighbours with the latest gadgets and designer clothes, and we feel like we have to keep up.
Advertisements on TV tell us we need to buy new stuff in order to be happy, and we believe them.
But here’s the thing: more doesn’t necessarily mean better. Just because someone has a bigger house or a nicer car doesn’t mean they’re happier than you are.
Don’t fall into the trap of thinking that you need to have more stuff in order to be happy. Instead, focus on quality over quantity. Choose items that will bring joy to your life, and let go of the rest.
6. Create a vision for your life
When you’re feeling overwhelmed by your stuff, it can be helpful to step back and think about what you want your life to look like
Do you want to live in a cluttered, chaotic home, or do you want to live in a peaceful, serene space?
Creating a vision for your life can help you let go of the things that are holding you back. When you know what you want, it’s easier to let go of the things that don’t serve a purpose in your life.
7. Memories are not stored in things
One of the biggest myths about decluttering is that we have to keep things because they hold memories.
But the truth is, memories are not stored in things. They’re stored in our hearts and minds.
You don’t need a physical object to remind you of a particular moment in your life. Instead, try to think of another way to honour those memories.
For example, you could take a photo of the item, or write down your favourite memory associated with it. Or, you could simply take a few moments to reflect on the memory, and then let it go.
8. Leave the guilt behind
Guilt is a common emotion when it comes to decluttering. We often have guilty feelings about getting rid of something that was given to us, or we might feel like we’re being wasteful if we throw something away.
But here’s the thing: you shouldn’t feel guilty about decluttering. It’s your life, and you have the right to live it the way you want.
If you feel guilty when trying to declutter, try to remember that the person who gave you the item would want you to be happy. They wouldn’t want you to keep something that doesn’t bring you joy.
Gift giving is about bringing happiness to the recipient, not about the giver. So, if you’re holding on to something because of guilty feelings, let it go and enjoy the freedom that comes with it.
Read also: How to Declutter Without Feeling Guilty: 8 Ways to Eliminate Decluttering Guilt
9. Forget about the money
Easier said than done, but it’s important to try to forget about the money you spent on an item when you’re decluttering. It can be tempting to hold on to something because we feel like we “wasted” money on it, but that’s not really productive.
Remember, material possessions are just that: material. They don’t define your worth, and they don’t determine your happiness.
If you’re not getting rid of something because you spent a lot of money on it, ask yourself this question: would I spend that much money on this item today? If the answer is no, then it’s time to let it go.
Final thoughts
Mindset shifts are essential when it comes to decluttering. It’s not enough to just go through your things and get rid of the stuff you don’t need.
You have to change the way you think about stuff, and that takes time, effort and practice.
When you develop a declutter mindset, the decluttering process becomes a lot easier. You’ll start to see your belongings in a different light, and it will be easier to let go of the things that are holding you back.
Remember: a decluttered home is not a perfect home. It’s a home that reflects your values, your interests and your lifestyle. So don’t strive for perfection. Just focus on making progress, and let go of the rest.
What are your thoughts on decluttering? Have you developed a decluttering mindset? Share your tips and experiences in the comments below!