More and more people are choosing to live with less these days. And for once, this isn’t just because of the current economy. It’s also because people are realising that having less stuff leads to a more stress-free and fulfilled life.
When you don’t have to worry about maintaining or paying for a lot of possessions, you have more time and money to focus on what’s really important to you.
Living with less doesn’t mean living in poverty or deprivation – it just means getting rid of the things in your life that you don’t need.
When you learn to live with less, you become more mindful of the things you really need and want in life. You learn to appreciate the simple things, and you find that you don’t need as much stuff to be happy.
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It’s not about deprivation
In our culture, bigger is deemed better. Bigger house, bigger car, bigger salary, bigger everything! But is more really what we need to be happy?
An increasing number of people are choosing to live with less, and they’re finding that it’s not about deprivation; it’s about making deliberate choices about what they want in life and being more selective about their possessions.
Living with less doesn’t mean you have to give up all your possessions or live in a tiny house. It simply means being intentional about what you own and only keeping things that bring you joy.Â
When you have fewer possessions, you’re forced to confront what really matters to you. You can’t hide behind material possessions or take them for granted. Instead, you learn to appreciate the people and experiences that make up your life.
And as counterintuitive as it may seem, research has shown that people who own fewer possessions are actually happier than those who have more stuff.Â
Why more people are choosing to live with less
Free time
There’s no denying that our lives are busier than ever before. We’re constantly connected to our devices and expected to be available 24/7. It’s no wonder that more and more people are choosing to live with less in order to have more free time.
Less stuff means less clutter and less time spent cleaning and organising. It also means more time and energy for the things we love.
For some, that might mean more time for hobbies or spending time with family and friends.
For others, it could mean having the flexibility to travel or take on new challenges. The bottom line is that when you live with less, you have more time for the things you truly want to do.
Learn to manage money better
Most of us have been taught that the key to financial success is earning as much money as possible and then spending as little of it as we can.
However, there is another way to look at things: living with less. When you choose to live with less, you naturally become more mindful of your spending. You begin to focus on quality over quantity, and you start to think more creatively about how to use the resources you have.
When you have fewer possessions, you have less to maintain and repair. You also have less need for storage space, which can save you on rent or mortgage payments.
In addition, living with less can help you to avoid impulse purchases and allows you to save money. It can be easier to resist the temptation to buy things you don’t really need when you are already happy with what you have.
Read also: 10 Ways to Achieve Financial Minimalism
Become more content with what you have
In our culture of consumption, it’s easy to get caught up in the mentality that more is always better. But as anyone who has ever gone through a major decluttering project can attest, getting rid of excess stuff can be incredibly liberating.
Though it may not seem like it at first, choosing to live with less can actually help you become more happy with what you have.
When we have too much stuff, it can be overwhelming and stressful. We may feel like we’re constantly cleaning and organising, and we never have enough storage space. But when we declutter our homes and simplify our lives, we can reduce the amount of time and energy we spend on maintaining our belongings. This gives us more time to focus on the important stuff.
Additionally, living with less can help us appreciate the items we do have. We are more likely to use and enjoy items that we cherish, instead of letting them collect dust on a shelf.
Read also: How To Be Happy With What You Have: 7 Secret Steps
Enjoy the simple things in life
Choosing to live with less can be a great way to appreciate the simple things in life. When we’re not bogged down by excess possessions, we have more time and energy to focus on the things that matter most to us. This might mean spending more time outdoors, reading books instead of watching TV, or taking walks in our neighbourhood.
You can still enjoy the finer things in life, but you may need to redefine what “the finer things” means to you.
Living with less can also help us connect with the people around us in a deeper way. We have more time to talk and spend time together, and we’re less likely to be distracted by gadgets and electronics.
Read also: Don’t Take Life for Granted: 15 Ways To Enjoy The Simple Things In Life
Helping the environment
One of the biggest environmental problems we face today is consumerism. We live in a culture that encourages us to buy more and more stuff, even things we don’t really need.
This relentless consumption takes a toll on the planet, using up precious resources and generating mountains of waste. But when we choose to live with less, we can help to reduce this impact.
Read also: Simple Zero Waste Swaps to Use Around the Home
Most people assume that living a “green” lifestyle is all about making big changes, like installing solar panels or driving an electric car. But the truth is, even the smallest changes can make a big difference for the environment. For example, simply choosing to live with less can help to reduce your ecological footprint.
By reducing the amount of stuff we buy, we can slow down the manufacturing process and save natural resources. We can also reduce the amount of waste we produce, both in our homes and in the wider world.
Read also: What is eco-minimalism and is it really for you?
Reduced stress
We all know that feeling of being overwhelmed by our possessions. It seems like every time we turn around, there’s something else that needs our attention. It can be tough to keep up with it all, and it can start to feel like our stuff is owning us instead of the other way around.
Choosing to live with less can help to reduce this stress. When our homes are decluttered and simplified, we no longer have to worry about where to put everything or how to organise it all. We can relax and enjoy our surroundings without feeling overwhelmed.
Read also: 21 Simple Living Tips To Reduce Every Day Stress
But it’s not just physical clutter that causes stress. Yes, clutter can be physical items taking up space in your home but it can also be things such as digital clutter like too many emails in your inbox or continuous scrolling through social media. It can also be mental clutter, like a to do list that’s constantly growing.
When you’re trying to reduce stress, it’s important to declutter all areas of your life.
Read also: Disconnect to Reconnect: The Significance of a Digital Detox
How to live a minimalist lifestyle without giving up all your possessions
Minimalism is often misunderstood. People think that in order to live a minimalist lifestyle, you have to get rid of everything you own and live a life of asceticism. But that’s not necessarily true.
You can still enjoy your possessions while living a minimalist lifestyle – you just need to be more mindful about what you own and how you use it. Here are a few tips to help you live a more minimalist life without feeling like you’re deprived:
Evaluate your needs: Take a close look at the things you own and ask yourself if you really need them. If you can’t remember the last time you used something, it’s probably time to get rid of it.
Buy quality over quantity: When you do need to buy something, choose quality over quantity. It’s better to have a fewer things that you love and use often than a lot of things that you never use.
Create boundaries: One way to help you stick to your minimalist goals is to create boundaries for yourself. Say no to excess invitations, stop subscribing to newsletters you don’t have time to read, and unsubscribe from any Facebook groups that are just causing more clutter in your life.
Simplify your life: One of the best ways to live a minimalist lifestyle is to simplify your life. Cut down on the number of activities you participate in, choose meals that are easy to prepare, and streamline your to do list.
Choosing to live with less: Consider it!
In a world that seems to be constantly getting more and more complicated, simple living is increasingly appealing. And it’s not just a fad – the above benefits of choosing to live with less are real and significant!
It may seem daunting to make this decision, but the rewards of choosing to live with less and living a more simple life are worth it tenfold.
Read also: How to embrace minimalism when you’ve been a maximalist all your life
While this may seem like a radical shift, it is one that is gaining traction as more and more people are beginning to see the value in slowing down and enjoying life. Not to say that you need to go out and sell all of your belongings or live in a tiny house; but maybe there are some things you can let go of that are no longer serving you.
What could you do today to start living with less?
For more resources on decluttering and beginning your minimalist lifestyle, read the following articles:
- Minimalism For Beginners: 10 Tips To Kickstart Your Minimalist Life
- A Minimalist List Of Things To Get Rid Of
- How To Be Ruthless When Decluttering Clothes: An Essential Guide
- How To Declutter Your House In One Day: Room To Room
- 9 Ways to Find The Motivation to Declutter
- Do the benefits of extreme minimalism outweigh the sacrifices?