For most people, embracing minimalism is a gradual process. But what if you’ve been a maximalist your entire life? How do you go from owning 100 pairs of shoes to owning 10? It’s definitely not easy, but it is possible. 

In fact, that’s exactly what I did! I went from being a shopaholic who loved nothing more than buying new clothes, shoes and gadgets, to someone who owns only what she needs and loves.

And you know what? I don’t miss my old lifestyle one bit. In fact, I’m much happier now that I’ve simplified my life.

If you’re considering making the switch but are unsure of how to embrace minimalism, keep reading on.

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What is minimalism and why should you consider it

Most people live their lives surrounded by clutter. Their homes are filled with clothes they never wear, dishes they never use, and knick-knacks they never look at. Not only is this cluttered lifestyle stressful and chaotic, but it also requires a lot of time and effort to maintain.

Enter minimalism.

Minimalism is the intentional promotion of the things we value most and the removal of everything that distracts us from it. It is a lifestyle that encourages us to live more simply so that we can focus on what’s important to us.

When you live minimally, you own fewer things and have more money, time and energy to invest in the things that matter most to you.

How to embrace minimalism and make the switch from maximalism

If you’re used to living a maximalist lifestyle, making the switch to minimalism can seem daunting. But it doesn’t have to be! Here are a few tips on how to make the transition:

Start small

When it comes to embracing minimalism, the best approach is often to start small. After all, overhauling your entire lifestyle in one go can be overwhelming, and it’s far more likely to lead to burnout than sustainable change.

So instead of decluttering your entire home in a weekend and getting rid of everything you own, start with a single drawer, closet or shelf. This will give you a chance to get used to the idea of living with less stuff, and it will also help you to learn what items bring you joy and which ones are just taking up space.

Once you’ve made some headway on decluttering, you can then start to think about ways to simplify other areas of your life.

Find a friend to do it with you

It’s not easy making such a big lifestyle change, but it’s a whole lot easier (and more fun!) when you have someone to do it with you.

Not only will this make the process more fun, but it will also help to keep you motivated. Plus, having someone to bounce ideas off of will make it easier to figure out what works for you and what doesn’t.

Find a friend or family member who is also interested in minimalism and challenge each other to live more simply. You can help each other stay on track and achieve your goals.

Together, you can support each other as you let go of your belongings and simplify your lives. You can also use your friendship as a means of accountability – if either of you starts to backslide, the other can be there to help you.

Set priorities

One of the best things about minimalism, is that it forces you to focus on what’s really important to you. So take some time to sit down and figure out what your priorities are. What do you value most? What brings you joy?

Setting priorities will help you to figure out what’s worth keeping in your life, and what can be let go. It will also make it easier to say no to things that don’t align with your goals and values.

Read also: How to set your priorities in life and what should be at the top of the list

How to embrace minimalism: Family hugging
Photo by Jessica Rockowitz on Unsplash

Adjust your mindset

The minimalist mindset is about living with less stuff, but it’s also about so much more than that. It’s about finding joy in the things you already have, valuing experiences over possessions, and focusing on what truly matters to you

If you want to embrace minimalism, it’s important to adjust your mindset accordingly. This means letting go of the belief that more stuff will make you happier, and instead focusing on what will truly bring you joy.

It also means valuing experiences over possessions. So instead of buying things, focus on doing things. Invest your time and money in experiences that will enrich your life, such as travel, learning new skills or taking up a new hobby.

Read also: How to Shop Like a Minimalist: 12 Ways to Shop Intentionally

Let go of the idea of perfection

When you’re first starting out on your minimalism journey and learning how to embrace minimalism, it’s easy to get caught up in the idea of perfection. You might feel like you need to declutter your entire home before you can truly consider yourself a minimalist.

But here’s the thing: there is no such thing as a perfect minimalist. And that’s okay! Minimalism is not about achieving some sort of elusive perfection. It’s about finding what works for you and your lifestyle.

So don’t get too caught up in the details. Instead, focus on making small changes that will have a big impact on your life. Just keep moving forward and doing your best, and you’ll be well on your way to minimalism.

Read also: Perfectly Imperfect: 12 Reasons Why Imperfect is Perfect

Allow quiet time

It’s a hectic world we live in these days, and it can be hard to find time to just be. But learning to embrace silence and stillness is an important part of minimalism.

It can be difficult to slow down when you’re used to living a fast-paced life, but quiet time is essential for our mental and emotional wellbeing. So make sure to schedule some time each day (or week) for yourself. During this time, you can do things like meditate, journal, read or take a nature walk.

Read also: How to have a Self Care Day Without Spending a Fortune

Be grateful

When you take the time to appreciate the things you have, it becomes easier to let go of the things you don’t need.

Gratitude also helps to shift your focus from what you lack, to what you already have. This can help to increase your overall happiness and satisfaction with life

Take some time each day to focus on the things you’re grateful for. You might be surprised at how much joy this simple practice can bring you.

Simplify your wardrobe

One of the most common questions people have when they’re learning about minimalism is: “How do I simplify my wardrobe?” Clothes can take up a lot of space, we gain an attachment to them and they can be difficult to let go of.

But there are a few simple ways you can streamline your wardrobe and make it more minimalist.

You could try creating a capsule wardrobe, which is a small collection of versatile pieces that can be mixed and matched to create multiple outfits.

Or you could follow the one in, one out rule, which means for every new piece of clothing you bring into your wardrobe, you commit to getting rid of another.

Read also: How To Be Ruthless When Decluttering Clothes

How to embrace minimalism: Capsule Wardrobe
Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

Live intentionally

When you live intentionally, you make conscious choices about how you want to live your life. This means being purposeful with your time, your energy and your resources.

It also means being mindful of the impact your choices have on the world around you.

Being intentional doesn’t mean you have to live a life without fun or joy. It simply means being more aware of your choices and making sure they align with your values and what you want out of life.

Read also: An Effective Guide To Setting Intentions

Let go of the past

One of the best things about minimalism is that it allows you to let go of the past and start fresh. If you’re holding onto resentment, grudges or negative experiences from your past, minimalism can help you to let them go.

Learning to live in the present moment is an important part of minimalism. It can be tough to let go of the past, but when you do, you open yourself up to a whole world of possibilities.

Be patient

One of the most important things to remember when making the switch to minimalism is to be patient.

The journey to minimalism is not a linear one. There will be ups and downs, detours and roadblocks. And that’s okay! Change takes time, and it’s not always easy. But if you’re patient and consistent, you will eventually get there.

Don’t be too hard on yourself if you have a slip-up – we all do! Just pick yourself up and keep going. The important thing is that you’re moving in the right direction.

The benefits of minimalism

There are many benefits to living a minimalist lifestyle.

For starters, it can help to simplify your life and declutter your home. A minimalist approach to life can also help you focus on what’s important and let go of material possessions that don’t bring you joy. In addition, minimalism can lead to a more sustainable lifestyle by reducing your consumption and your impact on the environment.

When you embrace minimalist living, you may find that you have more time, energy and money to invest in the things that matter most to you. You may also develop deeper relationships, become more creative and experience a greater sense of freedom.

Whatever your reason for wanting to live a more minimalist lifestyle, know that it is possible to make the transition from maximalism to minimalism.

Of course, minimalism is not for everyone. Some people find the idea of living with less to be stressful or overwhelming.

But it’s important to remember that there is no “right” way to live a minimalist lifestyle. You can tailor your approach to fit your needs and preferences.

Tips for staying minimalist in a maximalist world

In a world of ever-increasing choices, it can be hard to resist the temptation to acquire more stuff. But as anyone who has ever been buried under a pile of clothes or tripped over a stack of books knows, too much stuff can quickly become overwhelming. If you’re looking to declutter your life and live with less, here are a few tips to help you stay minimalist in a maximalist world.

First, take stock of what you already have. Do you really need that second coffee maker? Unless it’s truly essential, get rid of it. And if you haven’t used something in six months, chances are you never will – so donate it or sell it online.

Next, think twice before you buy anything new. Do you really need that new shirt or those shoes? Or can you make do with what you already have? If you must buy something, try to find a used or vintage version instead of opting for the latest and greatest model.

Finally, be mindful of your consumption. Just because something is available doesn’t mean you need to buy it. Be selective in your purchases and only buy what you need.

For more minimalism and decluttering tips, read the following articles:

11 ways to embrace minimalism Pinterest Pin


If you’ve been a maximalist all your life, it’s not going to be easy to change gears and learn how to embrace minimalism.

After all, minimalism is all about living with less, and that can be a hard pill to swallow for someone who’s used to surrounding themselves with stuff. 

But trust me when I say that the benefits of embracing minimalist living are plenty. This lifestyle shift can help to simplify your life so you can focus on the important stuff in life.

Are you ready to embrace minimalism and let go of any previous maximalist habits?


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