Do you feel like your life is a constant whirlwind of activity, with little time for anything else? Do you always have tasks and errands to accomplish but find they are never finished? If so, it’s time to take control and learn how to organise your life and simplify your days.

How to organise your life

This article discusses how getting your life organised can make an impact in every aspect of one’s life – from personal relationships at home by being present as much as possible; working efficiently at work without feeling the stress of deadlines; and even being in sync with the rest of the world.

Planning ahead allows one to be on top of things, as opposed to being caught up in them, thus allowing for the best possible outcome.

You’ve heard it before: “Time is money.” But how often do we truly believe that?

We all know what time can do to us if we let it- and the truth is, the more you try to control your days, the easier they will be.

After all, you are in charge of your life!

Here are some tips on how to organise your life and simplify your days.

Use a calendar or planner

How to organise your life - Use a calendar or planner

This will help you stay on top of things and ensure that you are always where you need to be when you need to be there.

Don’t forget the important dates in your family members’ lives, as well as special occasions!

Read also: How I Use a Monthly Checklist to Organise My Life (FREE Printable)

Planning is necessary so that you can work out what you want to accomplish thus avoiding any problems; just remember that everything takes time so be realistic when creating these timetables.

Once accomplished, take pride in knowing all the things you have managed to achieve- this will encourage you to continue with this positive mindset and motivation towards work.

Why not try Friday Planner App 

Plan ahead for the best possible outcome

How to organise your life - Plan ahead

The key to being organised is to set priorities for yourself and plan ahead for the best possible outcome.

This will help you stay on top of things and ensure that nothing gets forgotten in your busy schedule.

One way to make sure your days run smoothly is by creating goals that can also be used as self-motivators.

For example, if you want a promotion at work, write down some goals in regards to how many hours or days per week you will spend proving yourself worthy of said promotion. And remember: never give up!

Plan, schedule and prioritize everything in advance so it does not become an afterthought during your busy day. Create a personalized list of activities that will allow you to live a simpler life and feel better about yourself.

Be in control of your life

How to organise your life - Take control of your life

Take a moment to reflect on what you want your future to look like. Write down the steps that will lead you there, and then follow them one by one. You may find that this simple practice of creating goals leads to improved productivity and more happiness in your daily routine.

It is also important to remember that nothing can be achieved in a single day, but with time and dedication there are no limits to what you can accomplish.

Remember: Just like everyone else, you deserve a life full of happiness and positive experiences!

So take control of your life and do the things that will bring those feelings into being!

P.s. stick to your list! Written goals are great motivators, as they show us that we are capable of being disciplined when the time is necessary.

Break down your goals into achievable tasks

How To Organise Your Life & Simplify Your Days

Spending too much time on one task at a time can be overwhelming and stressful; breaking down your goals into achievable tasks will allow you to avoid this. 

Setting goals will help you achieve your desired results and knowing how to organise yourself will make sure that all aspects of your life run smoothly from beginning to end.

“A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” – Lao Tzu

By setting realistic goals for yourself and sticking to a plan of attack, you can simplify your life and make everything easier for yourself. You won’t feel as overwhelmed with studying or work if you know exactly what needs to be done and when it needs to be completed by; your mind will thank you later!

The more organised you are the less stressed you will feel about everything and anything going on in your personal life or at work and school. Have more free time on your hands – relax! 

Prioritise what needs to be done

How to organise your life - priorities

Prioritise your day and schedule everything in order of importance.

The way you spend your time is the way you will be spending your life.   Work on the most important tasks first; doing this will enable you to complete these and move on to other, less pressing matters when the day comes to an end.  Being well organised means being capable of getting things done quickly with ease and grace.  

Be realistic about what can be achieved  in a certain period of time. Planning ahead will help you manage your time wisely so that nothing falls through the cracks or gets forgotten or neglected as a result of multi-tasking at once. Keep track and stick to your priorities!  

And remember, don’t be afraid to say no to things that shouldn’t take priority in your life.

Get rid of distractions

How To Organise Your Life & Simplify Your Days

It is all too easy to give in to things that are not a priority, but remember: everything in moderation.  This means that television, video games, social media and even friends can become a distraction that keep you from doing what is important or what needs to be done.

For example, if you have work or school assignments that need completing, then say no to things like video games or parties; they will not only distract you from your goals but can also result in unnecessary drama and chaos adding more stress to an already hectic schedule.  

By managing your life well, one should be able to eliminate any bad habits, such as getting distracted by things that aren’t priorities.

There will be time for hobbies and other less important tasks once your goal has been completed and you have the free time available. Write down what needs to get done – set realistic expectations for yourself and stick to the plan.

Avoid procrastinating

How to organise your life - Avoid procrastinating (1)

Procrastination is a common bad habit that can prevent us from simplifying life; this means we should try to avoid it as much as possible. If you have tasks that need completing and fear you may procrastinate, then ‘Do it now!’  

Wake up early or stay up late – do whatever it takes to get your work done, but don’t put off the task if you know you are capable of getting it done now.

You will feel better about yourself for having completed something successfully and won’t stress about postponing what needs to be done. Procrastinating will only make things harder on yourself in the future!

Life waits for no-one!

Don’t let anything disrupt your routine

How to organise your life - Don't let anyone ruin your routine

Sticking to similar schedules every day will help you be productive and efficient in life and make it easier to use your time wisely. Try to maintain a routine even on the weekends and holidays so that you can stay productive and stress-free.  

People who maintain routines are more likely to succeed in life because they have set goals for themselves; by sticking to these tasks at all costs, they are able to achieve more than those who do not!

This is not to say that you should feel obliged to keep a rigid schedule, but making time for things like exercise and relaxation will help increase your overall productivity level.  

There may be some tasks that are urgent and cannot be postponed or they won’t get done at all; this is where planning ahead comes in handy again. The more prepared you are for the day, the more effective your routine will be.  

Obviously, if something comes up that needs immediate attention – let the routine go!  Make sure that what is most important gets done first; anything else can wait until tomorrow when there isn’t so much pressure on your schedule.  

Stick to a sleep schedule that works best for you

How to organise your life - Stick to a sleep schedule

Heading to bed at the same time each night and waking up at the same time each morning will help you feel more human. It will also allow you to wake up refreshed and ready for the day, rather than dragging yourself out of bed in a grumpy mood.

Go to sleep early enough that you aren’t tempted to play on your phone or watch TV until you fall asleep; this will only create bad habits and prevent you from relaxing properly each night.  

Avoid using electronics before going to bed – this includes smartphones, televisions, computers and even reading devices too!   Keeping your room as dark as possible will help enhance your body’s natural sleep cycle and keep things quiet and easy so that it is easier for you to drift off into dreamland without any distractions.

Reward yourself!

How to organise your life - Reward yourself

And finally, reward yourself with a coffee break, exercise session, a bath or indulgent snack when you’ve accomplished an important task (or several) during the day.  This will help motivate you and keep you focused so that you can achieve even more than originally planned!

If the reward is too extravagant it may take over your life, making you wonder where all your time went.   Setting a limit on how often or what to have as a treat will help prevent this from happening; try giving yourself one chocolate chip cookie when an important task has been completed instead of eating the whole bag in one sitting – self control is rewarded too!  

Final thoughts

These simple steps to help you organise your life and simplify your days will prevent confusion and chaos in everyday life by providing a framework upon which you can organise your time all around.  

Set goals and priorities – do what needs to be done first before moving on to other things. It may seem hard at first but over time it becomes easier to manage everything efficiently without sacrificing important tasks or getting distracted by unimportant ones. The key is setting realistic expectations and sticking to them; once this happens, everything falls into place much more.

Time is a precious commodity, and it’s important to use your time wisely. It can be difficult at times to keep up with everything that needs done in order to maintain an effective work/life balance.

Life gets infinitely easier when you organise yourself (and plan ahead) so that you are always where you need to be when you need the most energy for those tasks.

By following these tips on how to organise your life and simplify your days, we hope this article has given some helpful insights into what will help get yours back on track!

What’s your favourite method to organising your days?

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