I’m sure you’ve probably heard of minimalism. But do you know how to tell if someone is really a minimalist person?
I am a minimalist, and you’ll already know this if you’ve been following my journey. But what exactly does that mean?
Minimalism is not just a trend or fad; it’s an intentional lifestyle decision that has the potential to transform who you are as a human being.
If you’re tired of feeling like there’s never enough time for anything, if you’ve had too many material things come between yourself and those close to you, if you feel stuck in life because all the stuff around you feels like an anchor dragging at your feet, then minimalism might be right for you.
Minimalism is a philosophy that focuses on intentional living, living with just essential items and doing away with the unnecessary. It’s about finding true happiness in what you have, not what you don’t.
It may be that you’re already a minimalist person without even knowing it!
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What is a minimalist person
A minimalist person is someone who seeks simplicity, usefulness and clarity. They pursue a lifestyle that focuses less on material possessions and more on what they value in life – what makes them happy.
They don’t get bogged down by non-essentials and focus on enjoying what really matters to them.
There are many benefits to being a minimalist person, such as improved mental health, less stress and more time for things we truly enjoy.
So, how do you know if someone’s a minimalist person? Are there any signs?
Some might say that it’s someone who lives with the bare minimum of what they need. Others say that minimalism is an attitude that’s reflected in the things you do and the way you think.
However, there are many characteristics that can help you identify if you’re already living as a minimalist person.
Characteristics of a minimalist person
1. They don’t like physical clutter
Minimalist people don’t like too many things cluttering up their life because it’s distracting and can be a burden.
Decluttering and getting rid of items is usually the first step to minimalist living for many.
Once everything has been decluttered, a home will be found for only things that add value to their lives.
Clutter usually stresses out minimalist people and they just want to keep their home clean and free from too much ‘stuff’.
2. They prefer keeping things simple
People who have a minimalist mindset have their eyes opened up to the beauty of simplicity. They know that too much of anything is just not needed, and they won’t settle for less when it comes to their essentials – including peace of mind!
They prefer to live a simple life, instead of getting lost in the hustle and bustle of things that may not matter.
Are you ready to simplify your life?
3. They may have a capsule wardrobe
Minimalist people don’t spend too much time or effort on their clothes.
When choosing what to wear, they prefer to choose items that are simple, comfortable and easy to mix with other pieces. This is how they end up with a capsule wardrobe.
A capsule wardrobe is basically having a small number of simple-yet-stylish pieces of clothing. It’s a concept that’s becoming more and more popular these days.
A minimalistic person will know what looks good on them and how to mix items together for new outfits. They only purchase clothes that they truly need and will add value to their wardrobe.
4. They value space
Minimalist people value the use of space and have a knack for making sure that everything in their house has its own place.
Everything they own serves a purpose, and they see no point in owning things they don’t need, want or use. They know how to organise their physical space well and maintain it.
5. They don’t enjoy tidying or cleaning
Minimalist people really don’t enjoy tidying and cleaning.
The concept of cleaning is often ridiculous to them! Why waste so much time and energy on polishing the floor, washing the dishes and arranging things?
Obviously, these tasks need to be done at times, but when it’s a constant battle to keep your house clean and tidy, it just takes up precious time that can be spent doing something more meaningful.
Which is why they organise their homes in a way that’s easy to maintain. They get rid of things they don’t need, which results in less cleaning and tidying.
6. They don’t shop for the fun of it
Living simply means that minimalists choose to spend their money on things that are important to them – items that serve a purpose and will ultimately improve the quality of their lives.
Minimalist people don’t believe in buying things just for the sake of owning them – there needs to be meaning behind every purchase and they’re highly selective about what they choose to buy and own.
For example, let’s say that minimalists like to use digital calendars. They may spend a considerable amount of time finding the most functional and durable one that will serve them for a long period of time. They won’t simply buy the first calendar they see, instead researching various brands to find which one is best for their needs.
7. They are likely to have more free time
Minimalist people spend less time maintaining their belongings, so they have more free time to do things they love.
Living simply results in having more freedom when it comes to spending your days pursuing your interests and passions. They are likely to be more productive, make better use of their time and ultimately spend more quality time doing things they love!
8. They despise waste
People who live a minimalist lifestyle gradually become more aware of their impact on the environment and the planet.
Minimalist people never forget that they are given this planet to look after, together with all its inhabitants. They know that being grateful for all they have should be their priority because it’s not how much you have but what you do with what you have that matters most.
Read also: What is eco-minimalism and is it really for you?
9. They don’t need ‘stuff’ to make memories
Minimalist people don’t get hung up on ‘stuff’ – they know that all that really matters in life are the memories you make with your family and friends, not how many ‘things’ you accumulate over time.
While it’s often difficult to let go of sentimental items, minimalists understand that memories of people do not live in physical items, and therefore it makes it easier to let go of these things.
Material objects are fleeting, but memories last forever. By focusing on the experiences that money can bring instead of the things it can buy, minimalist people make memories that will stay with them for a lifetime.
10. They strive to be content with what they have
Minimalist people try to be content with what they have, knowing that being happy shouldn’t depend on how much you own.
They own few things and live more simply because they know it makes them happier. They prefer experiences over things, which is why they will spend more time doing things they love with the people who matter most to them.
11. They don’t need to fit in
You’ve heard of ‘keeping up with the Jones‘, right? Minimalist people are not after impressing others with what they own or how their home looks like because it’s already minimal enough for them.
They don’t need the newest gadget on the market or the best handbags just to be like everyone else.
They don’t try to fit in or compare themselves to others, because they know the key to happiness is being true to yourself.
12. They value experiences over material things
Minimalist people don’t attach themselves to material possessions because they know it’s one way of taking their eye off what matters most, which is bettering themselves as a whole person.
What makes them happy is not what they own or do, but the simple pleasures in life. They make the most out of their time and enjoy doing things like having conversations with close friends, reading a book on a Saturday afternoon or cycling to work instead of driving.
They focus on experiences over things, because of how fleeting life can be and the low-value that many material things have compared to what’s of real value in life.
13. They’re good with money
Minimalist people are also savvy with their finances. They know the value of a dollar and strive to create financial stability in their lives.
They don’t look for the easy way out, like borrowing more money or spending it on things that have short term gratification but no long-term value. Instead, they focus on acquiring assets that add something meaningful to their lives and grow in value over time.
This also makes them resourceful and able to get the most out of what they have, making sure money goes to the right places, credit cards are paid off each month and they always have a rainy-day fund in their bank account for emergencies.
14. They have a quieter schedule
Having fewer commitments also means having a quieter schedule and less stress. Minimalist people are able to commit their time, energy and attention to the things that really matter to them – family, friends and passions.
They’re able to prioritise what’s important in their lives by saying no to anything that doesn’t add meaning or value. Doing this allows them to have more time and energy for the things that truly bring them joy.
15. They hate wasting time
Minimalist people understand the importance of time and how it’s the most valuable resource in life. They know that time wasted can’t be recovered, so they try to optimise their day-to-day activities and use their time efficiently.
This doesn’t mean they’re constantly rushing around trying to do as much as possible in a day – it just means they consciously try to be aware of how they’re spending their time and plan out tasks accordingly. This way, they can make sure that every minute is being spent on something that’s important to them.
16. They often disconnect from digital devices
Technology has become a big part of our lives, but minimalists often choose to take a step back from it and disconnect. They take time away from digital devices and social media to recharge and focus on the important things in life such as nature, hobbies, relationships and their own self-development.
This isn’t done out of fear or avoidance, but instead is used as an opportunity for self-care and self-reflection. By taking a break from technology, minimalists are able to restore their mental and physical energy so that they can be the best version of themselves.
17. They pursue purposeful work
Minimalists understand the power of work and how it can be used to bring joy into their lives. They use this knowledge to pursue meaningful and purposeful work that aligns with their values and provides them with a sense of fulfilment.
They don’t tend to just settle for any job – they look for opportunities that allow them to make a positive impact in the world and have a positive effect on the lives of others. By doing this, they’re able to use their skills and talents to create something meaningful that will last long after they are gone.
18. They set clear boundaries
Minimalists try to set boundaries in all areas of their life. This includes saying ‘no’ to certain commitments when they don’t align with their values or goals, and creating space between themselves and toxic relationships.
By establishing these clear limits, they’re able to ensure that everything else in their life has room to grow and flourish. They also know that these boundaries allow them to maintain a healthy sense of balance in their life which is essential for personal growth.
19. They prefer quality over quantity
When it comes to possessions, minimalists prefer quality over quantity. They invest in items that are well-made and will last a lifetime rather than cheap products that will need replacing after a short amount of time.
By doing this, they’re able to save money and ensure that their home is filled with fewer possessions, but ones that truly bring them joy.
20. They are more intentional
In all areas of life, minimalists try to be more intentional about their decisions and actions. This means that they don’t just make choices on a whim – they take the time to think things through and weigh up their options before ultimately making conscious choices about what is best for them.
This level of intentionality helps them to stay true to their values and ensure that every decision they make aligns with their long-term goals.
How to become a minimalist person
The first step towards becoming a minimalist is figuring out what your values are. Ask yourself what’s important to you, then figure out what you need to simplify in your life so that it aligns with the way you want to live.
Start clearing off your clutter by donating items that don’t make sense for your lifestyle anymore. You will feel more at peace once everything has a place where it belongs and you know the value of what you need and own.
Minimalist people challenge themselves to live this way because they want to feel free, not overwhelmed by their possessions or life in general. They are grateful for what they have, don’t equate it with status, and recognise that ‘stuff’ will never make them truly happy anyway!
In a world where people are often tempted to chase after the newest, shiniest things on the market, the concept of minimalism is one way of taking a step back and living with less.
Once a minimalist mindset is adopted, it no longer becomes just about ‘not owning too many things’, but how you can make your life more simple and easily manageable.
With less clutter, minimalist people have more time for experiences that are important to them. They feel less stressed and happier since all their needs are met with less stuff around them – it’s a truly refreshing way of living!
Of course, not all of these common characteristics may be your characteristics as a minimalist person and they are interchangeable depending on your mindset and how you prefer to live.
If you want to find out more about minimalism and how to create a minimalist home, read the following articles:
- Minimalism For Beginners: 10 Tips To Kickstart Your Minimalist Life
- 10 Simple Steps to Creating a Minimalist Family Home
- Things I Stopped Buying To Embrace Minimalism
- 12 Unexpected Benefits of Minimalism